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Climbing and creative blog
One woman (and her dogs) making things, doing things, and climbing things.

The Happiness of Pursuit
I've set myself a little quest that will hopefully involve not too much suffering, minimal blisters, and make everyday a bit more meaningful
Apr 14, 20224 min read

Photos of a Cute Dog
I've had a cold and words have failed me. Here's some cute photos of my dog instead. Her name is Amber. She is a galgo (Spanish greyhound).
Mar 24, 20223 min read

A Stuck Key Letter Puzzle Poem
A key on my laptop is stuck so I've written this piece without it. It's a poetic puzzle. Can you spot the missing letter?
Mar 3, 20221 min read

Thighs of the Climber
I've started cycling 11km to work and back. My weak as heck climbing legs cannot cope. Here, I re-work Eye of the Tiger to express my pain!
Feb 10, 20222 min read

A Hard Water Stream of Consciousness
I moved house and my brain has given up on complex thoughts. This week's blog post is a random string of thoughts about tea, toast and sofas
Nov 18, 20216 min read

40 Hopes for my 40 Year Old Self
It's my birthday (almost!) and, although I'm not turning 40 this year, I've been thinking about how my life might be in just under a decade
Oct 28, 202112 min read

I've Always Been Wordy
I let my 17-year-old self take charge this week. We're exploring some of my early attempts at creative and vaguely coherent writing.
Oct 7, 20218 min read

The Problem With Minimalism
Do you need a house full of stuff? Can minimalists help you form a better relationship with your possessions? The short answer is maybe!
Sep 16, 20218 min read

One Year as a Failed Blogger
I've been a blogger for a year. According to the numbers the blog is a total failure. But it's been successful in more important ways.
Aug 26, 20216 min read

My Top 8 Sporting Memories
I love watching sport! With Olympic fever in the air, I walk down memory lane and recollect on my favourite moments from competitive sport.
Aug 5, 202113 min read

Is Ambition Always a Good Thing?
I discuss my own experiences of achieving and failing to achieve my ambitions and how this has shaped my current perspective of ambition.
Jul 15, 20217 min read

7 Quotes to Cheer You Up
I'm having online banking issues this week so I've turned to other people's witty words to cheer me up!
Jun 24, 20217 min read

Women's Bouldering Festival 2022
I recently attended the Women’s Bouldering Festival in Fontainebleau. It was an experience unlike any I’d had before and I wanted to get...
Sep 19, 20227 min read

The Balance of Power
I've been thinking a lot (possibly too much!) about the role of power in climbing and what getting stronger means to me as a climber.
Apr 2, 20225 min read

A Guide to Types of Rock Climbing
Trad. Bouldering. Lead. Speed. Crack. It's all climbing but slightly different. This guide will help you understand it all!
Mar 10, 20229 min read

Learning To Fall
In this re-posting of my first article in Beta magazine, I explain why learning to fall is a crucial step when learning to climb.
Feb 17, 20225 min read

Advice for New Climbers
The idea of taking up climbing can be exciting but scary. Here's a list of useful tips and information that might tempt you to give it a try
Jan 27, 20224 min read

To Spray Or Not To Spray? That Is The Question
In this post I discuss the gnarly topic of beta spraying. What is it? Why is it an issue? Should you ever do it? Let's find out!
Dec 16, 20219 min read

Setting (Another) Personal Climbing Goal
I've been feeling a little confused about what my next climbing goal should be. Join me as I try to figure it out in this week's post.
Nov 25, 20216 min read

Training Plans: The Good, The Bad, and The Hip Flexors
I've been following a training plan for 6 months. Here's what I've got right, what I've got wrong, and why hip flexor conditioning sucks!
Nov 4, 20219 min read

My Top 8 UK Bouldering Gyms
I've been to a lot of climbing gyms in my time. Here's a few of my favourites from across the UK and some memories from my visits to them.
Oct 14, 202112 min read

Climbing My First 7a Boulder
I achieved my goal of climbing a 7a boulder before the end of 2021! In this post I take you through the boulder and how I climbed it.
Sep 23, 202110 min read

Repeating the 9c Strength Test
Have I got any stronger in the last six months? In this post, I discuss my second attempt at the 9c strength and what the results suggest.
Sep 2, 20217 min read

Review of Climbing's First Olympics
Climbing made it's Olympic debut last week and it was amazing. In this post, I'll tell you all about who won and how they did it!
Aug 12, 202113 min read

House Update
Husband and I have been busy doing some DIY and decorating this summer. Check out the fruits of our labour in this post!
Oct 14, 20229 min read

Household Makes and Restorations
Since moving into our new house we've painted some things, sanded a lot of other things, and not done too much terrible DIY!
Dec 23, 20218 min read

Tour of my New Sewing Studio
After two weeks of living in the new house, my sewing studio is organised enough for a public viewing. Come and look around my new studio!
Dec 2, 20215 min read

Boning, Frogging, and a Pounding Block
I've not had a lot of time to sew lately. Instead of sharing my latest creations I'll share some sewing related words I find mildly amusing
Nov 11, 20215 min read

Favourite Clothes I've Made
I haven't made much over the last few weeks so let's take a walk down memory lane and explore some of my previous creations.
Sep 30, 20218 min read

Remaking a Home Climbing Wall
We're moving house soon so the home climbing wall is coming down. Join me as I replace some of the pieces with better versions of themselves
Sep 9, 20215 min read

Creatively Practical or Practically Creative?
In this post I discuss the relationship between creativity and practicality and the value we place on these two qualities.
Jul 29, 20215 min read

How To Reuse Old Bedding
How to rescue your old bedding from landfill for a little longer by turning it into new soft and squidgy things!
Jul 8, 20217 min read

Clothes Are Stupid, But I Love Them
People have worn some ridiculous clothes over the years yet we keep coming back for more binding, impractical, and outlandish clothing!
May 27, 20219 min read

From the Lily Pad - the Unexpected Sequel
A behind the scenes glimpse of an Edinburgh Fringe show through the eyes of The Costume Fairy and the characters who wore her creations.
Mar 25, 202112 min read

Hospital Style (and a rant about pockets)
What do an angsty teenage version of a Shakespearean comedy and a WW1 exhibition have in common? Me and costumes for hospital settings!
Mar 4, 202112 min read

Things We Made For Our Wedding
The dress. The cake. The decorations. The flowers. Here's how my friends & family and I made our wedding unique with homemade/grown touches.
Jan 21, 202110 min read

House Update
Husband and I have been busy doing some DIY and decorating this summer. Check out the fruits of our labour in this post!
Oct 14, 20229 min read

Women's Bouldering Festival 2022
I recently attended the Women’s Bouldering Festival in Fontainebleau. It was an experience unlike any I’d had before and I wanted to get...
Sep 19, 20227 min read

The Happiness of Pursuit
I've set myself a little quest that will hopefully involve not too much suffering, minimal blisters, and make everyday a bit more meaningful
Apr 14, 20224 min read

The Balance of Power
I've been thinking a lot (possibly too much!) about the role of power in climbing and what getting stronger means to me as a climber.
Apr 2, 20225 min read

Photos of a Cute Dog
I've had a cold and words have failed me. Here's some cute photos of my dog instead. Her name is Amber. She is a galgo (Spanish greyhound).
Mar 24, 20223 min read

A Guide to Types of Rock Climbing
Trad. Bouldering. Lead. Speed. Crack. It's all climbing but slightly different. This guide will help you understand it all!
Mar 10, 20229 min read

A Stuck Key Letter Puzzle Poem
A key on my laptop is stuck so I've written this piece without it. It's a poetic puzzle. Can you spot the missing letter?
Mar 3, 20221 min read

Learning To Fall
In this re-posting of my first article in Beta magazine, I explain why learning to fall is a crucial step when learning to climb.
Feb 17, 20225 min read

Thighs of the Climber
I've started cycling 11km to work and back. My weak as heck climbing legs cannot cope. Here, I re-work Eye of the Tiger to express my pain!
Feb 10, 20222 min read

Advice for New Climbers
The idea of taking up climbing can be exciting but scary. Here's a list of useful tips and information that might tempt you to give it a try
Jan 27, 20224 min read

Household Makes and Restorations
Since moving into our new house we've painted some things, sanded a lot of other things, and not done too much terrible DIY!
Dec 23, 20218 min read

To Spray Or Not To Spray? That Is The Question
In this post I discuss the gnarly topic of beta spraying. What is it? Why is it an issue? Should you ever do it? Let's find out!
Dec 16, 20219 min read
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